Reformat Excel Report

Target audience: Excel users Used tools: Excel VBA What’s the purpose: Change the view of Excel report file This will be a post about using VBA macro in MS Excel report of evidence such as for receiving some materials in the store, using report, received from a software program. In other words – to reformat… Continue reading Reformat Excel Report

Categorized as Excel

Install Mayan EDMS and resolve a problem during installation

Target audience: Linux and Mayan EDMS users Used tools: Linux and Mayan EDMS What’s the purpose: Install Mayan EDMS This post will be for installing Mayan EDMS 4.0.15 and some problems during installation. At first – what is EDMS ? An electronic document management system, or EDMS, is a system on which an organization’s documents… Continue reading Install Mayan EDMS and resolve a problem during installation