Restore connection with OpenMediaVault server

Target audience: Linux
Used tools: Debian
What’s the purpose: To restore connection with openmediavault (OMV) server after changing LAN router

This will be a ‘story’ about restoring connection with openmediavault (OMV) server after changing LAN router.

What is OMV – according to their site :
openmediavault is the next generation network attached storage (NAS) solution based on Debian Linux. It contains services like SSH, (S)FTP, SMB/CIFS, RSync and many more ready to use.

Now about the problem : after changing the router with new one
openmediavault computer disappear from LAN – it couldn’t be found
checking the whole LAN.

That’s mean it is with an IP from other LAN – but what is this new IP?
You can’t see PC from router – PC’s IP is not from our LAN. Probably after router has been changed, OMV IP was assigned from ISP LAN.

Here are some possible solutions :
1. If you can login locally to OMV can find out the current IP by typing hostname -i with username : root and password : your password.
Result will be something like this : where will be the searching IP

Or :

2. To type your server name followed by .local into a browser:
(servername).local:(port_number) if is diffеrent from 80 something like this : srvname.local:99 .

Then from GUI choose Network -> Interfaces -> Edit from chosen Ethernet interface – something like enp1s0 and enter your data :

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