Target audience: MS Excel users Used tools: MS Excel What’s the purpose: Make JSON file from existing MS Excel file This will be a story about how to make JSON file from existing Excel file. Need to do this arises when i try to load user’s data in Mayan EDMS system using API interface of… Continue reading How to make JSON file from existing MS Excel file
Category: Excel
Reformat Excel Report
Target audience: Excel users Used tools: Excel VBA What’s the purpose: Change the view of Excel report file This will be a post about using VBA macro in MS Excel report of evidence such as for receiving some materials in the store, using report, received from a software program. In other words – to reformat… Continue reading Reformat Excel Report
How to use Excel to manage remote PC with VNC
Target audience: IT AdministratorsUsed tools: ExcelWhat’s the purpose: quickly to find remote PC for remote support The problem for resolving is : how to manage remote PC with VNC when you have to find definite PC by the post code of the town or village. We can use freeware version of Network Notepad – application… Continue reading How to use Excel to manage remote PC with VNC