Target audience: c#, SQL Coders Used tools: c#, SQL What’s the purpose: Read, update, delete CSV records with SQL-like query tool his will be a story about how I discover CSVG – SQL-like query tool for csv files. I have to resolve the following problem : my colleague make a monthly report for parcels. She… Continue reading Query CSV files using command line SQL-like csvq tool
Category: SQL
Upgrade MS-SQL localDB mdf file from V.11 to V.13 (v. MS SQL 2012 to v. MS SQL 2014)
Target audience: SQL users Used tools: VS 2015 What’s the purpose: upgrade MS SQL LocalDB from V.11 to V.13 I have an old project about working with huge excel table which nearly 110 production units have to fulfill every day and send to the central unit of our firm. Then here we have to… Continue reading Upgrade MS-SQL localDB mdf file from V.11 to V.13 (v. MS SQL 2012 to v. MS SQL 2014)
SQL Group by a range of value using T-SQL
Target audience: SQL programmers Used tools: T-SQL What’s the purpose: group records from SQL data table using aggregate functions with derived tables Now, let’s try to make the ‘job’ with t-sql only. The key point here is to use aggregate functions with so called derived tables.In this article we can find a definition and… Continue reading SQL Group by a range of value using T-SQL
Read parameters for SQL store procedure from XML variable
Target audience: SQL programmersUsed tools: SQL,XPathWhat’s the purpose: read parameters for SQL query from XML variable Well – the problem is to count all records from a SQL table which satisfy a condition in WHERE clause – like this WHERE table.field > = minVal AND table.field<=maxVal minVal and maxVal are parameters. This is very easy… Continue reading Read parameters for SQL store procedure from XML variable