Target audience: IT Administrators
Used tools: Excel
What’s the purpose: quickly to find remote PC for remote support
The problem for resolving is : how to manage remote PC with VNC when you have to find definite PC by the post code of the town or village. We can use freeware version of Network Notepad – application for creating interactive network diagrams. But you have to ‘draw’ all PC’s and fill the data for every one PC – something like this

We enter post code for searching in cell E2 and reveive IP for this post code as result in cell E4 and name of village in cell E5. In cell E4 we enter the formula =VLOOKUP($E$2;A4:B13;2;FALSE) and in cell E5=VLOOKUP($E$2;A5:C14;3;FALSE).
IMPORTANT : The column we’re performing the VLOOKUP on – column A with Post code, must be sorted in ascending order ! We add two command buttons – CommandButton1 with Caption property StartVNC and CommandButton2 with Caption property StartPing with VBA code for each of them :
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Shell ("PATHtoVNC\vncviewer.exe " & Range("$E$4"))
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Shell ("ping " & Range("$E$4") & " -t"), vbNormalFocus
End Sub
Now, when you receive phone call from a remote point : 1. The PC operator tells his post code 2. You enter this code in cell E2 , hit enter or move to near cell , thus make searching in column B and in column C – if this is a successful searching , you receive the result in cells E4 and E5. If there is not success, you receive in these two cells N/A as result. 3. If the searching is successful we can use the buttons – StartPing – for checking the connection with remote PC or StartVNC – to connect to remote PC