Target audience: Linux and Mayan EDMS users
Used tools: Linux and Mayan EDMS
What’s the purpose: Install Mayan EDMS
This post will be for installing Mayan EDMS 4.0.15 and some problems during installation.
At first – what is EDMS ? An electronic document management system, or EDMS, is a system on which an organization’s documents and files can be stored, recalled, managed, and utilized as necessary.
Mayan EDMS is a Free Open Source Electronic Document Management System, coded in the Python language using the Django web application framework. You can find documentation of Mayan EDMS at : . On you can read about direct installation on your own server. Following Basic deployment point by point you can make an installation. I install on Debian 10 and till point 11 all is OK, but on point 11 : Initialize the project I saw an error :
Mayan EDMS failed to connect to the celery broker at redis://:** Celery broker of redis client send AUTH no password is send to !!! “
And that’s all – no successful installation !
OK – what is Redis ? Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker. More about it on
And what is Celery ? Celery is a task queue implementation for Python web applications used to asynchronously execute work outside the HTTP request-response cycle. More – on or .
And about redis+Celery –
Let’s return to the error – what we have to do to avoid the error ?
From Linux shell, we must enter following command :
- $ redis-cli and click Enter. Now, we are in redis-cli environment. Result is>
->AUTH PASSWORD and click Enter. Result is : (error) ERR Client sent AUTH, but password is set
->CONFIG SET require password “mayanredispassword” and click Enter. Result must be OK. And with next command, we can check if our password works :
-> AUTH mayanredispassword and click Enter. Result must be OK – this must be confirmation, that all is OK with our password !
Now Mayan EDMS was successfully installed and and if we open our browser and write xx.xx.xx.xx:8000 where xx.xx.xx.xx is IP address of our Linux server, Mayan EDMS must open it’s main menu in our browser !
But there is one other problem – when we restart Linux server and try to open Mayan EDMS, browser can’t open the page without any error ! So, we have to make our server to remember the password !
But where? This must be done in a config file of redis – /etc/redis/redis.conf. To do this – in Linux shell, we write following (here, we use nano editor as a simplest editor):
- $ sudo nano /etc/redis/redis.conf and click Enter
- After finding row #requirepass foobared, we have to replace this row with requirepass mayanredispassword
- Then click Ctrl-O to save changes in file redis.conf. And – as a final step, to begin using our new conf file, we have to restart redis server
- $ sudo systemctl restart redis.service