Target audience: SQL programmers
Used tools: SQL,XPath
What’s the purpose: read parameters for SQL query from XML variable
Well – the problem is to count all records from a SQL table which satisfy a condition in WHERE clause – like this
WHERE table.field > = minVal AND table.field<=maxVal
minVal and maxVal are parameters. This is very easy for ‘resolving’ :
SELECT COUNT(table.field1) WHERE table.field >= minVal AND table.field<=maxVal
We have to choose values for minVal and maxVal from a table2 :
NAME | minVal | maxVal |
name1 | 1000 | 1999 |
name2 | 2200 | 2999 |
name3 | 3000 | 3699 |
Then replace minVal and maxVal with their values in SELECT query and run this SELECT N – times where n is number of records in table2.
But such way of ‘resolving‘ is too boring. And here arise the problem: how to read the values of minVal and maxVal in a query from XML in a store procedure.
And here is a ‘resolving’:
-- XML instance
SELECT @x1 =
@cnt INT,@cnt2 INT,@nOPS CHAR(30),@minV INT,@maxV INT,
@totCnt INT,@brZap INT,@child XML
-- counter variables
SELECT @cnt = 1, @cnt2 = 1
SELECT @totCnt = @x1.value('count(/OPS)','INT')
PRINT 'OPS From To Count'
PRINT '----------------------------------------------------'
-- loop
WHILE @cnt <= @totCnt BEGIN
SELECT @child = @x1.query('/OPS[position()=sql:variable("@cnt")]')
SELECT @nOPS=code.item.value('(nameOPS)[1]', 'VARCHAR(30)')
FROM @child.nodes('/OPS') AS code(item)
SELECT @minV=code.item.value('(MINpCode)[1]', 'VARCHAR(4)')
FROM @child.nodes('/OPS') AS code(item)
SELECT @maxV=code.item.value('(MAXpCode)[1]', 'VARCHAR(4)')
FROM @child.nodes('/OPS') AS code(item)
SELECT @brZap=COUNT(nuk) FROM person
WHERE cust_id>=@minV AND cust_id<=@maxV
PRINT @nOPS+' '+ CAST(@minV AS CHAR(4))+' '+ CAST(@maxV AS CHAR(4))+' '+CAST(@brZap AS CHAR(8))
SELECT @cnt = @cnt + 1
The result is:
OPS | From | To | Count |
name1 | 1000 | 1999 | 157 |
name2 | 2000 | 2299 | 23 |
Here nuk is table.field1 – field1 is the name of the column on which the values are to be counted and cust_id is table.field .
NOTE /for explanation/ : we use XPath to fetch SQL XML value – you can read more about this in