How we removed server rack from 3rd to 2nd floor

Target audience: IT administrators
Used tools: universal cable stripper, punchdown
tool, RJ45 lan tester, cut pincers, crimp tool
What’s the purpose: How to exchange wall mount
rack with server rack plus all more than 40 cables from 3 floor to
the 2 floor in 2 days by 2 people

Well, imagine this situation: your LAN is on the third floor and
you must ‘remove’ it on the second floor, in the room, where old
rack is missing and all LAN cables are cut off and hang down to
the floor. On the upper floor we have something looks like this:


with around 40 PC in connecting to this rack ‘coming’ from the whole building. We have to remove all these cables to server rack on
down floor, where we have structure cabling system with cutting
cables on the rack end in a room, which is a server room but now
without server rack . Here are the tools we used:

fig.2 End cutters
fig.3 Crimp tool
fig.4 Punch down tool
fig.5 Cable stripper
fig.6 LAN tester

The final result is :

T568 and T568B Wiring Assignments

If we have to connect hub to hub or PC to PC : one end will be T568A, other end T568B – so called crossover cable.

If we have to connect hub to PC:  T568B must be on each end. One very useful link How To Crimp UTP cable to RJ45 Connector is

or How to Make a Network Cable

From all tools needed for cabling, most useful was … cable
stripper – fig.5

Categorized as LAN