Target audience: server administrators
Used tools: console
What’s the purpose: install update on windows 2016
If you try to search in Google for word KB4041691 , you will find many info about this faulty update – for example from here :
13 Oct Windows update problem [KB4041691] “Over the last few days Microsoft released a faulty Windows update which has caused some PCs and servers to crash with a blue screen error, when they are rebooted. This problem only affects a small number of Windows 10 PCs and laptops, and Windows Server 2016 servers which downloaded the faulty update while it was available. The update has since been withdrawn, and was only available for a few hours so if the computer did not download it during that time it will not be affected – if your computer has rebooted in the last 12 hours and works normally then it is not affected by this update problem. If a PC or laptop has recently installed updates and fails to start up properly with a screen like the image below, this can be fixed by using the System Restore option in the advanced boot menu (this will appear automatically after about 3 failed attempts) – restoring to a point before October 10th should remove all traces of the update.”
And now, what’s happened with computers , which downloaded faulty update – like our win 2016 . After Windows Server 2016 (KB4041691) for WSUS/SCCM managed devices tried to update , it stopped with 0x800705b4 error during preparing for update with suggestions to retry. Pushing button Retry had no effect – restart had no effect too. All this repeated in infinite cycle. At that moment antivirus program was with expired license. I read about this error at
and stop Win Defender, stop getting “updates for other Microsoft products when you updates windows” but nothing helped Then I decided to install this KB4041691 manually from here :
But it was too big : 1187.0 MB
And I decide to find this file in the server – it was in folder C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution but as *.CAB file – original was windows10.0-kb4041691-x64_6b578432462f6bec9b4c903b3119d437ef32eb29.msu. After all i had to read , i realize – during my attempts to install this KB4041691 , that the problem must be in this file , which was located here, on the server-it was ‘broken’ but update process ‘think’ all was OK and didn’t stop to try installing with this ‘broken’ file – then i deleted this ‘broken’ *.cab file-and then update downloaded this file again – but this time it was ‘repaired’ file and windows rebooted successfully
The problem was that you couldn’t realize that the update process didn’t try to download again the file for KB4041691, thus replacing it with new, repaired version of this file !!! Instead it continue trying to install the ‘bad’ version of the KB4041691 update !!!